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George K. Oss

A headshot of Mr. George K. Oss




  • B.S. Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, 1958

Mr. Oss worked for the Allegheny Ballistics Laboratory and became Project Engineer for the Polaris Division in 1962. In 1963 he joined the Atlantic Research Corporation and was a Project Engineer, Senior Project Engineer, Program Manager, and Manager for the Propulsion Division. Moving to the Tele-products Division, he was appointed Division Director in 1974, followed by the position of Vice President and General Manager. In 1987, he returned to the Propulsion Division as Vice President and Director, Space and Strategic Systems. In 1989 he joined Versar, Inc. as Vice President and General Manager, Laboratory Operations, and then became President and CEO of Versar Laboratories until retirement in 1992. Mr. Oss has published numerous technical reports and articles, and holds eight rocket design patents. He has served on the MAE Advisory Committee, and has aided the MAE flight-testing program.